2012-04-14 - C and O Canal Towpath with Barry

^z 22nd February 2023 at 2:58pm

~5 miles @ ~12.7 min/mi

My legs feel heavy after the 2012-04-14 - MCRRC Spin in the Woods 8k XC but although Barry Smith says his are likewise, he still wants some more mileage. So homeward across the Potomac we go to Carderock, for an out-and-back along the C&O Canal towpath. We branch after a mile onto a side path but it just leads to a parking lot, where a couple of deer wait for us to leave so they can cross. Erosion repairs block the course farther along and divert us up stairs to the Great Falls trail. We stop at about the half-hour point, Barry photographs the river below, and we jog back to his car.

(cf. GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2012-04-27